Encephalartos Dyerianus
A rare blue leaved African cycad, vigorous in cultivation, existing as a single colony in the north of South Africa. Very rarely grown. Blue/green cones, erect uniform blue leaves. Stunning feature plant. Makes offsets readily.
Encephalartos Eugene Maraissi
A rare & highly desirable ornamental specimen cycad with blue grey leaves & chocolate brown cones from South Africa. Needs good drainage, prefers full sun, makes offsets readily. Good in a pot. Makes a stunning feature plant.
Encephalartos Kisambo
A very attractive Kenyan cycad rarely seen. Found in 2 small colonies only. New leaves emerge lime green. Bright yellow cones. A medium fast grower. Makes a stunning feature plant. Hardy and easy to grow. Great in a pot or as a rockery plant. Likes good drainage.
Encephalartos Nubimontanus
A blue leafed cycad from South Africa that is now extinct in nature. Has long arching blue fronds and distinctive blue female cones. Grows well in ground or can stay in a pot for many years. Very rare , unknown in cultivation. Forms clumps over time with numerous offsets. Best in full sun with good drainage.
Enephalartos Sclavoi
A stunning mountain cycad from Tanzania with blue/green leaves and distinctive yellow cones. Very rare in cultivation. Extremely attractive and ornamental. Suitable for a pot or in ground. Will grow in shade, but full sun is best. Foliage is relatively compact. A vigorous grower that deserves a place in any garden. One of the most attractive African cycads.